3rd place in the readers' gallery "Silent Moments" of the magazine SCHWARZWEISS
It is a great honor for me that my series "pole vault" has been published in the B&W MINIMALSIM Magazine 25 and as a special highlight a photo at the frontpage
2. place in the gallery of the magazine PHOTOGRAPHIE 02/2020
Auswahl meines Fotos "road to nowhere" in der Lesegalerie "low key" der Zeitschrift SCHWARZWEISS Ausgabe 134
Selection of my photo "road to nowhere" in the reader gallery "low key" of the magazine SCHWARZWEISS (black and white) issue 1304
2nd place at the photo competition "Industrial landscapes" of the magazine SCHWARZWEISS (black and white)
Auswahl meines Fotos "photo shooting" in der Lesegalerie "Straßenszenen" der Zeitschrift SCHWARZWEISS Ausgabe 130
Selection of my photo "photo shooting" in the reader gallery "Streetphotography" of the magazine SCHWARZWEISS (black and white) issue 130
de Correspondent has published in an article on depression 13 Photo from my series pole vault
de Correspondent is a Dutch news website based in Amsterdam, t was launched on 30 September 2013 after raising more than €1 million in a crowdfunding campaign in eight days. The website
has more than 60.000 paying subscribers.
17.02.2019 WTM World Tip Magazine
05.02.2019 Shortlisted at the Sony World Photography Awards 2019
Publication Aesthetica THE ART & CULTURE MAGAZIN
Issue 87 Febr/March 2019
I took part at the 16th Smithsonian photo contest. My photo outlook is currently selected as Editor's pick / Photo of the day
24.01.2019 The Mice Times of Asia (Singapore and Bangkok)
The iGNANT Magazine has published a report on my series "pole vault"
iGNANT is a Berlin based award-winning online magazine featuring the finest in art, design, photography and architecture. Since its launch in 2007, iGNANT has steadily built up a global readership of creative professionals, thought leaders and tastemakers, attracting more than 500,000 visitors and 1.6 million pageviews per month. In 2011, iGNANT won the ‘Golden Lead Award’ in the category ‘Weblog of the Year’ and was also nominated for the ‘Grimme Online Award’The
"German photographer Klaus Lenzen captures the movement of pole vaulters as their bodies fly through the air, gracefully seeming to defy gravity.
By favoring a more abstract interpretation of sports photography, Lenzen brings a sense of movement to the static documentation of athletics. In the series ‘Pole Vault’, his framing of the body and pole offers an indication of flight without ever showing a full body or action. We see arms flung wide, legs poised, the flexible pole at the moment at which it has been let go cast across the sky; but never do we see a face. In this series of square black and white images, Lenzen has recast pole vaulting as an ethereal exploration of flight."
The Italian online newspaper ILPOST.IT has published a report on my series "pole vault"
Das italienische Online-Tageszeitung ILPOST.IT hat einen Bericht über meine Serie "pole vault" veröffentlicht. Der Google Tanslator hat mir folgende Übersetzung geliefert:
Momente des Stabhochsprungs ohne Stab
Klaus Lenzen hat versucht, Sportaufnahmen zu machen, die sich von den üblichen Sportfotos unterscheiden
In Klaus Lenzens Stabhochsprung-Serie gibt es Hände, die zu einer Stange neigen, Beine in der Luft, Muskeln von Athleten, deren Gesichter niemals von den Rändern in den Bilderrahmen eintauchen, alles in einem hellen Farbton grau. Im Gegensatz zu kräftigen Farbsportfotos, mit entschiedenen Aktionen und Ermüdungsausdrücken, an die wir gewöhnt sind, versuchte Lenzen, den Stabhochsprunge anders, mit großer Eleganz und viel Aufmerksamkeit für die Ästhetik darzustellen: «Ich habe es versucht etwas anderes machen als normale Sportfotografie. Dieser hochästhetische Sport verdient eine künstlerische Darstellung und regt die Vorstellungskraft des Zuschauers an ».
The Italian online newspaper ILPOST.IT has published a report on my series "pole vault". Google Tanslator has provided me with the following translation:
Suspended moments of pole vault
Klaus Lenzen tried to take pictures of sports different from the usual sports photos
In Klaus Lenzen's Pole vault series there are hands that tend towards a pole, legs in the air, muscles of athletes whose faces are never seen entering the photo frame from its edges, all in a
light shade of Grey. Unlike strong color sports photos, with decisive actions and fatigue expressions to which we are accustomed, Lenzen tried to portray the pole vault in a different way, with
great elegance and a lot of attention to aesthetics: «I tried to do something different from normal sports photography. This highly aesthetic sport deserves to be portrayed in an artistic way,
stimulating the spectator's imagination ».
Die Fotos wurden während einer Zehnkampfveranstaltung in Ratingen, Deutschland, aufgenommen. Kürzlich wurden sie für einen Wettbewerb der Online-Fotografieplattform Lensculture ausgewählt. Aus diesem Grund werden sie im April in der Aperture Gelerie in New York ausgestellt Jim Casper - Chefredaktuer von Lensculture, der Teil der Wettbewerbsjury war - kommentierte Lenzens Fotos wie folgt: «Diese minimalen Kompositionen sind ruhige Momente von Bewegung und Zeit, befreit von den Grenzen der Schwerkraft, abgeschnitten aus dem Kontext, ohne dabei völlig abstrakt zu werden. schwebend in einem neutralen Raum, in körnigen und surrealen Grautönen. Sie zeigen uns, was sich innerhalb und außerhalb des Rahmens befindet und zelebrieren kleine Wunder: Momente in einem athletischen Ballett von Präzision, Anmut, Gleichgewicht und Schönheit. "
Klaus Lenzen ist ehemaliger Bankangestellter im Ruhestand, er wurde 1953 geboren und lebt in Ratingen bei Düsseldorf. Seit 2011 ist er im Bereich Fotografie tätig. Seine Fotos wurden unter anderem mit den Sony World Photography Awards und den Siena International Photo Awards ausgezeichnet.
The photos were taken during a decathlon event - a specialty of athletics - in Ratingen, Germany, and recently they were selected for a competition of the online photography platform Lensculture: for this reason they will be exhibited in April at the Aperture New York Gallery. Jim Casper - director of Lensculture, who was part of the competition jury - commented Lenzen's photos as follows: «These minimal compositions are hushed moments of movement and time, freed from the restraints of gravity, cropped out of context without becoming completely abstract, floating in a neutral space, suspended in dream-like grainy tones of middle gray. They make us aware of what is inside the frame and outside the frame, and celebrate small miracles—moments in an athletic ballet of precision, grace, balance and beauty. ".
Klaus Lenzen is a retired former bank employee, he was born in 1953 and lives in Ratingen, near Düsseldorf, Germany. He has been involved in photography since 2011. His photos have won awards such as the Sony World Photography Awards and the Siena International Photo Awards.
LENSCULTURE has honored my photo series "pole vault" on their homepage. It sounds good and is a great honor for me!
Siena International Photo Awards 2018
Interview in der Zeitschrift "fotoforum" 04/2018
foto Magazin Juni 2018
Veröffentlichung zum Thema "WASSERSPORT KREATIV"
Lesergalerie "High Key"
de Correspondent has published in an article on depression 13 Photo from my series pole vault.
de Correspondent is a Dutch news website based in Amsterdam, t was launched on 30 September 2013 after raising more than €1 million in a crowdfunding campaign in eight days. The website
has more than 60.000 paying subscribers.